5 Essentials for Moms of Infants

Essentials for Moms of Infants | this heart of mine

In all honesty, I haven’t felt the shift from two children to three to be as shocking to my system as I thought it would be. From reading articles and talking with others about their experiences, I expected a staggering, mind-boggling change but it’s been fairly ordinary. Don’t get me wrong, three children are a lot of work and require lots of attention and monitoring. My older two still squabble about the most inane things, my arms are almost always filled with baby, the volume of the house at times gets to ear-piercing levels and there are days when I seriously consider running away. But that is life with children. They are my babies and no matter how crazy the night before might have been, I’m always eager to start a new day with them.

As I experience a newborn again, I am reminded of the newborn stages for Love Bug and Sweet J and how much I loved our time together. I love newborn sounds, their squishy bodies and their sweet aroma. Some details I remember from the former experiences but others I have forgotten and have to relearn, like packing extra clothing in the diaper pouch and knowing that the one time you don’t cover your shoulder, the baby will burp up a large amount and it will cascade down the backside of your real-clothes outfit right as you are headed out the door.

When it comes to baby stuff, I am a minimalist. I don’t like lots of gadgets and equipment and if I do buy something, it is really a can’t-live-without essential. Here are five things I’ve found very helpful during the newborn/infant stage.

Use a click light in the middle of the night

When I was a new mom, learning about both my first baby and breastfeeding, I would turn on my bedside lamp every time Love Bug woke for feedings in the night. I needed it to see what was happening and, of course, ogle at my beautiful baby girl. In the beginning, the light didn’t cause any issues, except for maybe bugging MJ. After awhile, however, I noticed how alert Bug would get with the light which meant hours of sitting awake with her in the middle of the night, even after I turned off the light. Only having one child at the time, I could catch up on missed sleep anytime but I didn’t like being awake during the night and wanted to encourage my little one stay in the nighttime mode. Then I started using a battery-operated click light. It gives off just enough light to see but can be easily shield to give off even less light (I turn mine upside down). From then on, for Bug, Sweet J and Pipsqueak, that light has been my beacon during sleeping hours. I can still ogle their little faces while they feed but it stays dark enough to encourage a continuation of sleep.

Baby wrap

Moms are notorious for their one-armed capabilities. Getting themselves ready, helping other children with various needs, cooking dinner – we are amazing at getting things done with only one arm. I once joked to Love Bug and J how fun and helpful it would be to have eight arms like an octopus and when Bug started naming all the things I could do with those eight, all the things I currently do with, at most, two arms, I was bummed I don’t really have eight arms.

For all they do, those arms do get tired some times and there are some tasks and activities that require two hands. Enter the baby wrap. I used a homemade sling with Bug and J when they were a bit older as it’s not for newborns. After Pipsqueak was born, with J’s surgery and our move looming, I asked my mama friends for baby wrap suggestions. One sweet friend suggested her wrap and immediately shipped hers to me to use. Well, thank you sweet Carla. It’s been so helpful! Not only is the wrap helpful in holding my darling nugget securely while I get to use both arms, the stretchy knit is really comfortable, breathable and MJ can wear it too! Pipsqueak loves it and snuggles in when he’s tucked inside and I get to cook, put things away and shop at Target with two hands!!

Essentials for Moms of Infants | this heart of mine

A good nursing bra

I’m not sure I’ve shared this before but I am a bit of a cheapo when it comes to clothing, especially clothing I’m not going to wear long term. For instance, my maternity clothes collection is rather small despite having three babies. I never wanted to spend a lot of money (or time shopping) for clothes I would only wear for a few months. I did envy other expecting moms who looked all chic and cute in their duds but for me, it didn’t seem worth it.

Now honestly, I don’t remember what I wore for nursing bras while Bug and J were itty bitty. It’s one of those details that has since left my brain forever. I do know I wasn’t leaving the house as often as I do this third time around so chances are it was mainly nursing tanks. Initially, after Pipsqueak was born, I bought a couple of bras I thought would work but they were very uncomfortable and did not give enough support. I again turned to a group of mamas and was pointed towards this bra. I ordered one, wanting to test it out and have since ordered another. They are comfortable, breathable and very supportive. My older two breastfed for a long time and I’m expecting to do the same with P and I’m happy to be comfortable and supported.

Put wipes everywhere

Everyone knows wipes go with babies. Babies mean poo and poo needs diapers and wipes. However, some many not realize that wipes will continue to be helpful long after the diapers have been put away. Since Bug started having snacks in the car, we’ve religiously stocked both vehicles with wipes. Even though she is a bit of a neat freak, the wipes still came in handy many times. Sweet J is not a neat freak and I still use wipes on him almost daily. Even before Pipsqueak was born, I kept a pack in the house for easy cleaning.

Pipsqueak is the sneeziest baby I know. I remember laughing in my hospital bed each time he scrunched up his little face for a sneeze. I know his sneezes are cold-related but from dealing with our dusty world. Sweet J, on the other hand, has been a cold factory this year so, I started using Boogie Wipes on his little nose. He’s not a fan of having his nose wiped, especially after that hard crust has formed under his nose. It hurts! Boogie Wipes are soft and have a special saline formula just for the purpose of dissolving that snot crust on little faces. (The added bonus is, if you know any child above the age of three, you know they love to talk about all the gross stuff, including boogies so encouraging a swipe with a Boogie Wipe is another chance to giggle at the word boogie.) I feel better wiping Pipsqueak’s little nose with a soft wipe and Sweet J likes it so much better because it doesn’t cause him pain. I’m usually down one arm and can’t hold him in place whilst wiping. The Boogie Wipes significantly improve the probability his nose is clean which, in turn, makes me looks like a totally with-it mom. Winning! You have to check out this booger fact page. So much good information about boogers!

Essentials for Moms of Infants | this heart of mine

A group of supportive, helpful mommas

This one is probably the most important, most essential but is the hardest to attain. When I first became a mother, it felt kind of like Love Bug and I were new inhabitants on an island, all alone, learning about our new relationship. My mom was very helpful but far away and MJ didn’t fully understand what I was experiencing. With everything so new and confusing, you might be convinced you are the only one to ever experience fill-in-the-blank and that you are doing everything wrong. But then you start making friends with other moms and you realize, with relief, it’s not just you and we all worry we are messing up our children.

I cannot adequately describe how deeply touching it is to have a group of mommas you love and care for and who love and care for you. These mommas are a wealth of knowledge on so many things. Since everyone has a different experience, a group can give insight on lots of topics. These moms will laugh with you about the hilarious parts of parenting and life, they will cry with you and hold you during the difficult times and, if you find really good ones, they will always come to your aid, no matter what. They are supportive and encouraging and free of judgment. Whether they are near or far, these mommas will be with you long after your children leave home.

This isn’t something you can pick up at the store or order online. The only way to build this group is to be a supportive, helpful and loving momma to other mommas. It takes time and you might encounter a few duds but the end result is so worth it. It’s definitely an essential for motherhood and life.

This post is a part of the Mom to Mom Advice Campaign with KSW Media. Thanks to Boogie Wipes for sponsoring this project and today’s conversation. All content and opinions are my own.

If you’d like to try Boogie Wipes, you can download coupons here.

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

4 thoughts on “5 Essentials for Moms of Infants

  1. I couldn’t agree more with this thoughtful tips! And, it warms my heart to see those toes wrapped in the blanket I sent you way! Baby love is the best kind of love!

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