Stylish Ways to Stash Gifts with Wayfair

Gift Stashing 1

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Tis the season for gift giving! If you’re ahead of the game, your gifts are purchased and wrapped well beforehand, relieving you of the stress before it begins. That, however, is not my usually my circumstances unfortunately. But, when I do start accumulating gifts, I have to find places to stash them until Christmas. My children are a little young and, bless their little hearts, unsuspecting, so my gift stashing consists of placing the wrapped bundles inside a couple of brown paper grocery sacks and stuffing them way back in the scary storage room, where no one in their right mind would traverse willingly. However, when it comes to hiding gifts for MJ, if I can keep it a secret long enough, I have to get creative. Not that he actively searches for things. I just don’t want him to come upon it on accident so my inside secret is I look for places he doesn’t cross on a normal day and get to stashing.

If it’s small in size, I like to tuck the gifts in small spaces. Like sidling it under little boxes in our decor or tucked into the back of random drawers. He’ll never find it! Also, did you know you can tuck a little box into the branches of a tree and it’s almost camouflaged? Anyone who does that Christmas pickle game knows a tree can be a fantastic hiding place. Try choosing a spot on the backside where the branches are really dense.

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When it comes to the medium size gifts, I’ve hidden items between the layers of my stacked clothing (sweatshirts are really good for this) or in my fabric stash. The backside of closets is a great spot to because, really, who digs back there, like ever?

It’s the big gifts that pose the biggest challenge. Duh. :) In the past, I’ve disguised packages and stored them amongst the bins and tubs in our garage and in the exposed beams of our laundry room. This year, we have this lovely ottoman (found here on Wayfair) at the foot of our bed and while I’m slowly filling it with blankets and bedding, I think it will be a fantastic place to stash gifts in the future! Between the folds of blankets and sheets, the gift will be adequately covered and since it’s all extra stuff in there, what are the chances MJ will go looking there?

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Slim chances indeed! I think my biggest concern won’t be will he find it but if I’ll remember!

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Where do you stash your gifts? I’d love to know!

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

2 thoughts on “Stylish Ways to Stash Gifts with Wayfair

  1. My suitcase is my go-to gift hiding spot. Bigger items go in the attic, which I can easily access through a little door in our master closet, because my kids are too scared to go in there. (It’s cold and dark!) A picnic cooler could be a good hiding spot too!

  2. I’m running out of hiding places for this year! I wrap presents as soon as I get them (the joke is, this way it’s a surprise for me too, since I’m normally done with my Christmas shopping by March and so by Christmas I’ve forgotten what I got for everyone). Presents that go under our tree, hide in the back of our closet. We put those under the tree when we put it up at the start of December – by now we’re almost out of room out there, and my mom still has a few more boxes to send over. Presents to distribute to friends and family, hide in a large storage box in our shed. Santa presents also hide in large storage boxes in the shed – at last count there were 5 of them; I’m really hoping I remember to grab them all on the day! If the kids see the wrapped presents and ask why I have them, “Well, Santa knew he’d have such a full shed this year, he asked if I could store some for him.” The worst part is that my daughter can see the shed from her bedroom window – and it’s light here in Australia until about 10 PM Christmas Eve – so we have to stay up waaaaay late before we can put presents out!

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